Health & Wellness

The First Church Ministry has reconvened. Contact Dr. Mae Morgan for more information

The Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir is back and sings on fourth Sundays. If you are interested in singing with the Chancel Choir, please contact Trey Clegg at organboy39@gmail.com.

Youth Sunday School

YOU'RE INVITED! Every Sunday at 9:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Contact Reverend Angela for more information.

Please Keep Our Members and Their Families in Your Prayers

Gift of Prayer
Prayer Slide 1A
Prayer Slide 2A
Prayer Slide 3
Continued Prayer
Family Slide 1
Family Slide 2

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Volunteers Needed!

Volunteers are needed for Church events. Contact the Church Office if interested.

Budget Gap

Help close the 2023 Budget Gap by increasing your regular offerings and gifts. Every gift makes a difference.

Covid 19 Vaccine

Add one more layer of protection to keep you and your family safe. Get your Covid-19 vaccine and boosters too!

Church Directory

Dear First Church Member, Our church directory is available to view on your computer or on your phone! We use this program to build our church directory.

You can view our Sunday service Live Stream on our YouTube channel every Sunday morning at 11am.

©2023 First Congregational Church