Rev. LaVerne Dixon was Born and raised in San Diego, California.She was always interested in the written word and was first published at the age of eight. She was equally interested in music, as she played the violin. She also sang in school,
church, and with the San Diego Community Youth Choir.She later recorded with James Cleveland and the Georgia Mass Choir.
Rev. Dixon began her education in English and Journalism. During her professional writing career, she interviewed many notables in the entertainment industry including Lena Horn, Stephanie Mills, The Ojays, Shirley Caesar, Tramaine Hawkins, the first Black mayor of Los Angeles, Tom Bradley, and more.
She accepted the call to the ministry in 1980 and was licensed and ordained in the African Methodist Episcopal church after a four-year internship in 1984. Her Love of, and interest in Behavioral Science rivaled her thirst for knowledge of the Word of God. She graduated from Point University with degrees in Human Relations and in the Preaching Ministries.
After ordination, Rev. Dixon was the only female to immediately be assigned a pastorate in her district.She went on to Pastor a total of five churches in the AME denomination and renovated four of the five churches debt free.She served as assistant to four Presiding Elders and served on the Sixth Episcopal District Board of Trustees. Rev. Dixon also served on The Board of Examiners by mentoring, training and qualifying incoming ministers for ordination.She was the first female in the Sixth District to serve as
Interim Presiding Elder. She supervised all aspects of 33 churches as well as the pastors; and trained two Presiding Elders.Rev. Dixon has Served on the Board of Directors of many non profit organizations and has worked for several non-profits in many different capacities.She presently serves as Outreach Minister and Minister of Pastoral Care at First Congregational Church UCC, Atlanta.Rev. Dixon was recently elected Vice Moderator of the Southeast District of the United Church of Christ.